IV Vitamin Infusions


1L isotonic crystalloid solution



This hydrating infusion may assist in those symptoms associated with dehydration.
Bypassing the GI Tract through an IV is a widely used treatment in hospitals for getting fluids in your body in a fast and timely manner. 

All results vary from client to client.


IL 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Vitamin C 15G (Sodium Ascorbate Solution)


Research has shown that Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and an essential vitamin. It assists in removing free radicals that causes cellular damage. Vitamin C also assists in maintaining your immune system by assisting in the production of white blood cells, which protects the body from infections and diseases.

Furthermore, Vitamin C may promote collagen synthesis, aiding in wound healing, tissue repair, and skin health. More research needs to be conducted however some studies have also suggested that Vitamin C therapy may have potential benefits for certain medical conditions, such as reducing inflammation, and improving cardiovascular health, and may synergistically support cancer treatment by enhancing the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation therapy while minimising side effects.  All results vary from patient to patient. 



1L 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Vitamin C 15G (Sodium Ascorbate Solution)

B complex

Zinc Chloride 10.6mG

Magnesium Sulphate 2.47G

Taurine 500mg Cap




Healthy nutrition is vital for supporting a strong immune system. Although a well-balanced diet can provide you with many of the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs,  the ability to absorb nutrients from food decreases with age. Additionally, Vitamin supplements are not always sufficient as only a partial amount can be processed and absorbed by the body. IV treatments may help make sure you’re getting valuable vitamins, minerals, and amino acids your body needs.

This infusion is designed to assist and support the immune system during times of illness and assist in reducing the onset and severity of colds & flu. 

Some research suggests that Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex assist in flushing out toxins from your body that can weaken your immune system and promote and improve resistance to disease and infections by ridding free radicles in your body, which helps assist your overall health and wellness.

Zinc and magnesium are essential minerals that play vital roles in numerous physiological processes within the body. Research suggests, Zinc and magnesium are involved in energy metabolism, contributing to the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s primary energy currency. IV administration of these minerals can help combat fatigue and improve overall energy levels.

Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid-like compound found in various tissues throughout the body, including the brain, heart, muscles, and eyes. It serves several important functions and offers numerous health benefits as it plays a role in neurotransmission and neuronal regulation, and may assist in brain function, mood, and cognitive performance.

IV Drips Treatments can be the most quickest and effective way to boost your body’s defense system due to the saturation of vitamins and minerals straight into your bloodstream, bypassing the GI tract, and giving your body the optimal amount it needs. Any excess is excreted in your urine by the kidneys.

Living during the pandemic has motivated many people to take better care of their immune systems and health. If you’re looking for ways to assist you in staying healthy and fighting disease this treatment may be exactly what you need to help assist you towards your wellness goals.

Individual results may vary from client to client.


1L 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Vitamin C 15G (Sodium Ascorbate Solution)

B complex

Zinc Chloride 10.6mG

Magnesium Sulphate 2.47G

Taurine 500mg Cap

+ Hydralyte

+ ADD-ONS specific to needs such as:

Analgesia, Anti-acid, Vitamin D 


IV infusions can play a crucial role in the management of gastritis and food poisoning by providing direct delivery of fluids, electrolytes, and medications into the bloodstream. This may assist and support hydration, alleviate symptoms, and may promote fast recovery.  

Additionally, drinking alcohol can be a lot of fun, but it’s no secret that the morning after a hangover is rough.
Everyone is different when it comes to hangovers, but generally, common symptoms include fatigue, nausea, dehydration, headaches, stomach irritation, stomach acid production or reflux, and even diarrhoea. All of which you would think would be enough not to drink alcohol again, however, most of us still do. Generally, the main way to deal with a nasty hangover is to sleep, relax, and ride it out however, trying this IV treatment may assist you to bounce back from a late-night bender.

This treatment has been designed using IV therapy in combination with over-the-counter analgesia, antiacid medication, and oral electrolytes that may assist you in your recovery.

Research shows that Vitamin C is a natural and essential vitamin that helps rid your body of free radicles and toxins from your body, assisting in cleansing your liver. Vitamin B complexes assist in the production of red blood cells, which carry the oxygen to your brain and other parts of your body. Magnesium also assists with digestion and muscle spasms caused by dehydration.

Alcohol can deplete these and other vitamins from your body, as well as feeling dehydrated exacerbating the side effects of your hangover. Offering these vitamins IV is the fastest way into the bloodstream and bypasses the GI tract for optimal body absorption.

Individual results may vary from client to client.




Platinum (Coming Soon)

Telehealth consultation Included

1L 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Vitamin C 15G (Sodium Ascorbate Solution)

B complex

Zinc Chloride 10.6mG

Magnesium Sulphate 2.47G

Taurine 500m



+ ADD-ONS specific to needs such as:

Analgesia, Anti-acid, Vitamin D, Biotin



Glutathione therapy offers a range of potential benefits due to its role as a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying agent within the body. Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids—cysteine, glutamate, and glycine—that plays a crucial role in neutralising free radicals, supporting immune function, and detoxifying harmful substances. IV administration of glutathione allows for higher concentrations to be delivered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and ensuring optimal absorption. This method of delivery may help enhance cellular antioxidant defenses, reduce oxidative stress, and support overall health and well-being. Additionally, IV glutathione therapy may show other benefits, such as improved skin health, enhanced detoxification, increased energy levels, and potentially alleviating symptoms of certain medical conditions. While more research is needed to fully elucidate the therapeutic effects of IV glutathione, as results can vary from patient to patient.